Monday, August 4, 2008

Antitechnological and anticapitalist propaganda?

Raking in around 300 million worldwide, Wall-E was one of the few animated movies seen in this summer of superhero blockbusters. Though many think that the movie is not of the same quality as the other Pixar movies, Wall-E is still a hit and a great love story for the family. I do know a couple people who did not really enjoy the film, but I was surprised when I read an article by Gennady Stolyarov II, who actually seems to have a deep hatred for the movie and the ideas behind it.

In WALL-E: Economic Ignorance and the War on Modernity, Stolyarov describes Wall-E as blatant "environmentalist, anticapitalist, and antitechnological propaganda. The author feels that the film presents several situations that are not only impossible in reality, but they also present disturbingly incorrect ideas about our society. Click the following link for the article

I do have to admit that while I was watching Wall-E I was a bit surprised about how apparent and in your face several of the movies underlying messages were. It is not hard to see that there is a definite environmentalist message and it is hard not to relate the BnL company with WalMart, but for some reason I was not nearly as disturbed by any of this because most of it worked so well in the story. Though there is a point to some of what the author says, I feel that he/she is reading way too much into the movie. It is obvious that he went into the movie with their own notions of the world and when the movie presented another view, the author took it upon himself to take some scenes of the movie and jump to drastic conclusions about intent. I also find it hard to call a movie where the main heroes are robots completely antitechnological, but oh well. The article is still an interesting read and though some parts of the article seem to contradict the others, it is definitely worth reading.


P said...

"Though many think that the movie is not of the same quality as the other Pixar movies, Wall-E is still a hit and a great love story for the family."

Really? Personally, I think the quality is pretty much the same as the other movies---it's just that up until now, they've been doing lighthearted, somewhat simple comedic films, and Wall-E was darker and more complex; there was a lot underneath the surface, I think.

Nick Sunshine said...

I was going to comment but it got too long and unwieldy.

So I just posted it here.

B said...

You do have a point p. I think i meant to say that it was not as well received as some of the other PIXAR films. There is no wave of praise like there was for Finding Nemo, but this could be because its "darker and more complex" nature alienated some of audience.